ben gurion university|ben gurion university in English

one of Israel's major universities (located in Beer Sheva)

Use "ben gurion university|ben gurion university" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ben gurion university|ben gurion university" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ben gurion university|ben gurion university", or refer to the context using the word "ben gurion university|ben gurion university" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ben Gurion was a cool, calculating and clever politician.

2. In 1956, she became Foreign Minister under Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.

3. The moderate Poalei Zion formed Ahdut HaAvoda with Ben-Gurion as leader in March 1919.

4. Ben-Gurion ordered Yigal Yadin to plan in preparation for the announced intervention of the Arab states.

5. 1 day ago · Elections: Drones, Voting Booths At Ben-Gurion, & 100s Of Booths For Carriers & Quarantined

6. In 1937, the Peel Commission recommended partitioning Palestine into Jewish and Arab areas and Ben-Gurion supported this policy.

7. Ben-Gurion believed a peaceful solution with the Arabs had no chance and soon began preparing the Yishuv for war.

8. In 1968, when Rafi merged with Mapai to form the Alignment, Ben-Gurion refused to reconcile with his old party.

9. To that end, Ben-Gurion used a firm hand during the Altalena Affair, a ship carrying arms purchased by the Irgun led by Menachem Begin.

10. Hundreds of Indian Jews flew into Ben-Gurion Airport to make Aliyah this week, as Israeli ministers promised to help the rest of the Bnei Menashe community emigrate shortly.

11. Ben Gurion wanted a central body to coordinate and improve cooperation between the existing security services—the army's intelligence department (AMAN), the Internal Security Service (Shin Bet), and the foreign office's "political department".

12. Following the war, Ben-Gurion was in favour of returning all the captured territories apart from East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and Mount Hebron as part of a peace agreement.

13. Before the founding of the State of Israel, Prime Minister to-be David Ben-Gurion saw Mampsis as the capital of the future country, which dovetailed with his dream of settling the Negev Desert.

14. Brindell Gottlieb, recipient of the degree of Honorary Doctorate from The Hebrew University, with President Menahem Ben-Sasson

15. Ben!

16. teamwork, ben.


18. ben trong

19. Write Ben Brast's 1st review Write Ben Brast' 1st recommendation

20. ben canh do


22. Hi, it's Ben.

23. Where's Ben today?

24. It is Ben.

25. Same again, Ben?